Do you ever feel stuck, like things just aren’t going your way? Pause to reflect. Then you can learn how to reset your brain to break free from that stuck place.

Let’s consider how you feel, in more detail, during those stuck moments. Frustrated, grumpy, discouraged, and drained come to mind. Then thoughts of giving up can creep in, leading to more hardships and feelings such as disappointment, frustration…

Too much piles up. It’s a heavy load to carry. Half of it would be manageable, but it has been far too long without a break, relief.

It can loop around again and again with unfortunate situations and feeling crappy long-term. Yuck. We’ve all been there, right?

Even worse, it can spiral deeper into the mud. Or, you can learn to reverse that spiral. You can learn to reset your brain. Since the spiral goes both ways, resetting your brain can reset your life.

Let’s reverse that spiral.

No, this doesn’t take tons of money to buy products. It doesn’t require any medical procedures, medications, or supplements. You can learn how to reset your brain, yourself, from the comfort of your own home. It’s easier than you think.

How to Reset Your Brain

You can reset your brain in three simple steps. I’m going to explain them right here and now. Let’s do this!

Step 1 to Reset Your Brain

The first step to reset your brain is to calm your nervous system. When you feel stuck, it’s a BIG sign that your nervous system is activated. Yes, it can remain in an activated state for a loooong time. That’s not helpful. It’s chronic stress and can lead to inflammation and all kinds of other things.

Get relaxed in a way that works for you (safely and legally, of course). This is your big opportunity to have a break and relief. It doesn’t have to be a massive ordeal like a vacation alone where all your meals magically appear and your needs are met without you lifting a finger. That may be nice, but it’s not required.

You can create a quick brain break in seconds, whenever you need one. What do you find relaxing? I’m not talking about all those “self care” tips that seem like more pressure to add to your list. This is what relaxation looks like for you.

If you need help finding something, check out THIS relaxation exercise.

Step 2 to Reset Your Brain

The second step to reset your brain is to get your brain to a place where it can be open to possibility. You must have at least a tiny piece of belief. Since I have 100% confidence in your ability to do this, you can borrow a piece of mine until you grow your own.

Close your eyes. Take some deep breaths (or breathe however is comfortable and natural for you). Consider all your amazing qualities. Sure, you can have that moment of doubt, but you do have some really amazing qualities.

To start, I know you are strong, even when you feel the opposite. I know you have drive, even when you feel you have lost it. Everything is still there, all those great qualities, stronger than you have ever seen in yourself. It’s just a matter of bringing them to where you can see them.

This is like a magical spell to build belief in yourself. You have the magical power to reset your brain. It’s just a matter of learning how.

Step 3 to Reset Your Brain

The third step to reset your brain and your life is to take action. Again, this doesn’t need to be a big ordeal. You would be surprised what 15 minutes per day can do.

In what areas does your life feel stuck? Choose the one that is feeling the most important to address. If that feels too big right now, choose the one that feels more manageable.

Determine what small actions will start to move things in the right direction. Focus on something that can be done in 15 minutes per day, and do that. You can add on if you feel you can and want to at the end of that time, but there’s absolutely no pressure.

What now?

After you reset your brain it’s time to maintain. Emotions and hardships come and go. It’s part of being a human, and it’s part of life. Once you reset your brain you will be far more equipped to face and overcome anything that pops up. That certainly doesn’t mean it won’t affect you.

You can maintain your brain by going back to these three steps to reset your brain. If you need more than these three steps, we can take this concept WAY deeper! With deeper healing, the effects last longer and take less time and effort to maintain.

Are you looking for something to help you reset your brain?

Make sure to join my email community here and I’ll send you my favorite tool for creating the life you want! It’s the foundation that I use with every new client. This is priceless!

Do you feel like you want a little more support with resetting your brain?

I’ve got your back.

Click here to learn about how we can work together.

I’m super excited to work with you. Yes, with you!! I know you’re serious about making this happen.

Send me a quick email ( and we’ll chat about the possibilities. You don’t even have to type a formal message. Just say “MAGIC” and I’ll know what you mean. 😉 All you have to do is take a step… and then another. It only feels intimidating because it means something. That’s okay, and it’s a good thing.

This blog post is about resetting (how to reset your brain). Here are more blog posts related to the word ‘reset’ (but not about how to reset your brain) from other sites:

Feeling Stuck? Maybe It’s Time For A Reset by Sharla Hallett

Simple Is Better: I Will Give You Rest by Dianne Vielhuber

RESET: Journeying Back to Joy by Lisa Crowder