Hey there, friend. I know you. We have a lot in common. We both have big dreams. Also, we’re both on our way to them, even when they seem… impossible. I used to doubt and resist. It was unpleasant at best. My journey isn’t like that anymore. It’s fun! Yours can be, too. When you allow your dreams to happen, and the resistance melts away, so does the pressure and a lot of the unpleasantness.

Okay, hard truth: that doesn’t mean it isn’t going to be uncomfortable. Growth is uncomfortable at times. That’s part of what makes it meaningful. It’s how we know it’s real and worth the effort. The contrast is what makes the joy so joyful.

Allowing your dreams is uncomfortable sometimes, and that’s a good thing.

It’s not always easy. Again, that’s a good thing. Challenges bring growth. When we grow, we become the people who live out our dreams.

What are your big dreams? Can you see them? Perhaps more importantly, can you feel them?

The reality is that there’s a time and a place for every phase on the journey to big dreams. It’s not enough to simply dream of them. They will never become a reality. Instead, we must know when to allow them and when to remain present in other phases.

The phases on the journey to big dreams are:

  1. Realizing the desire.
  2. Deciding to do what it takes.
  3. Making a plan.
  4. Following through with the plan.
  5. Allowing it to happen.

When To Allow Your Dreams

The list of phases on the journey to big dreams may seem like a linear roadmap. It’s not. We don’t float from phase one to phase two and on until we sail through phase five and blissfully live out our dreams. It simply doesn’t work like that. We may be crushing it in phase four, and then something happens or it doesn’t pan out, and then we get knocked right back to phase two.

For example, maybe you have a horrible day, or the plan goes up in flames. You want to give up. Is it really worth all the effort, or is it even possible? There’s so much doubt you can’t see your way forward. You have to pick yourself up, again, and decide to do what it takes.

That’s okay, and it’s good. It’s all part of the process. You can do it, even if your mind offers opposing thoughts.

So, that’s actually a sign that it’s time to allow your dreams to happen.

Looking for the more practical signs that it’s time to allow your dreams to happen?

If you’re riddled with doubt, frustrated with planning, or struggling to do all the things, it may be time to step back. You know what I mean. Scrolling social media or online shopping accidentally drags on as your planned actions remain untouched. Eat some food or binge-watch a show before following through? Okay, that’s tempting! Wow, even the housework is tempting at this point…

Relax and allow your dreams to happen. Shift your thoughts and actions. Rekindle that enthusiasm and excitement. When you’re ready, decide again. Plan, follow through, and enjoy the journey.

Rinse and repeat, again and again, until you are living those big dreams. Chances are, if you’re anything like me, your next idea will come. You will continue to grow along with your new dreams.

How To Allow Your Dreams

At some point, we just need to get out of our own way. We know what we want, have made the decision to chase it, crafted a plan, and are actively following through. Then the brain swoops in with all kinds of thoughts. That’s okay. It’s what brains do. We just can’t let it throw us off.

During the phase of allowing dreams to happen, managing the mind is the most important part. Yes, the mind is super important in every phase of the journey. It’s even more so now. Living the grind and powering through can only take us so far. We need to step into it and be the person who lives the big dream.

If you have racing thoughts at bedtime, procrastinate, or feel stressed or overwhelmed, it’s time to work on the mind. Those are signs that the thoughts happening inside the brain are holding you back.

The mind is absolutely fantastic. It’s one of my favorite things, really. Also, it can totally sabotage plans, actions, and dreams when we dismiss the potential for awareness. The concept may seem a lot more complicated than it is. This doesn’t require perfection. We just need to get curious and see where it takes us.

You can do this. Keep an open mind and aim for improvement, no matter what challenges you face. Remember, improvement doesn’t look continuous. Sometimes it feels like backtracking. That’s okay, and it’s good.

I’m here to support you every step of the way. My free relaxation recording is the perfect place to start. Let’s make your big dreams happen, together!!!

Are you looking for something to help you make those big dreams happen?

Make sure to join my email community here and I’ll send you my favorite tool for creating the life you want! It’s the foundation that I use with every new client. This is priceless!

Feeling like you want a little more support with life stuff?

I’ve got your back.

Click here to learn about how we can work together.

I’m super excited to work with you. Yes, with you!! I know you’re serious about making this happen.

Send me a quick email and we’ll chat about the possibilities. You don’t even have to type a formal message. Just say “DREAMS” and I’ll know what you mean. 😉 All you have to do is take a step… and then another. It only feels intimidating because it means something. That’s okay, and it’s a good thing.

This blog post is about listening (when your body is talking). Here are more blog posts related to the word ‘listen’ (but not about listening when your body is talking) from other sites:

Allowing God to be God by Sharla Hallett


Wallowing in Worry NOT Allowed by Regina Marcazzo-Skarka


Allow Your Soul to Breathe by Lisa Crowder


Simple Is Better – ALLOWED to Do So Much by Dianne Vielhuber 
