Emotions like sadness and anger can feel really big sometimes, even overwhelming. While you may think emotions feel too big, they’re not actually too anything. They’re simply emotions, and emotions come in all sizes. You are capable of processing all of them, even when you feel as though you are not. There is nothing wrong with you and all of your emotions are welcome with me.

When emotions feel too big, that’s just a thought we place on them.

What if the feels are never too strong? Perhaps we have been conditioned that it is not safe or socially acceptable to show emotions. We try to bury them, but eventually, they erupt. This can naturally happen when others are unwilling to be fully present with us and our emotions. Then we learn to do it to ourselves. We begin to tell ourselves that the emotions are too big, or that it’s not okay to feel or express them.

Emotions are normal. Expression of emotions is normal. You can feel and process big emotions.

When emotions feel too big, the underlying issue could be:

  1. The people around us are not willing or able to support us or be present for it.
  2. We have learned to suppress or dismiss due to culture, society, or people close to us.
  3. Some really big stuff is happening. This may include emotional trauma or stressful life events.
  4. The nervous system is activated. It can be short-term activation or chronic activation.
  5. Something is out of whack with toxins, nutrition, medications, environment, sleep, hormones, etc.
  6. Relationships are strained or add more stress than they are supporting.
  7. There is something that is not aligned in life, such as career, purpose, or beliefs.

If your emotions feel too big, it can be helpful to determine why. What’s going on in your life? That’s a great place to start.

When you become more aware of why the emotions feel too big it opens the door for so many other things. It can lead to self-compassion, for example. Of course you’re feeling all the feels when going through some big life stuff.

Also, awareness can help with moving through the big emotions. While not necessary, many of my clients find awareness to be a key that unlocks a door to processing those emotions. It shifts the focus away from self-blame and shame and into a recovery zone.

With or without awareness of what is connected to the emotions, you can process them.

Simply sit or get comfortable, whatever that looks like for you, and let them flow. Feel them in your body. Allow them to pass through you. They may shift into different emotions, change in another way, or leave you completely.

Once you feel ready you can return to your day much more prepared to face whatever comes next. Processing emotions regularly prevents them from piling up. Although you are completely capable of processing big emotions on your own, it sure is helpful to have supportive people by your side. This may come in the form of family, friends, and professional support.

The sad truth is that most adults today never learned emotional processing in childhood.

That’s okay because there is another opportunity now. Learning this skill makes life a whole lot more enjoyable. As a bonus, it helps to support future generations in learning before they reach adulthood.

If emotions feel too big, make emotional exploration and processing a priority. It’s well worth the effort to learn how to process them. This skill has the power to positively influence every other area of your life.

You can do this. I believe in you.

Are you looking for something to help you with emotional processing when emotions feel too big?

Make sure to join my email community here and I’ll send you my favorite tool to get your brain into the zone that allows for emotional processing! It’s the foundation that I use with every new client. This is priceless!

Do you feel like you want a little more support with emotions and your brain?

I’ve got your back.

Click here to learn about my Brain Magic course.

Looking for more support?

Click here to learn about how we can work together.

I’m super excited to work with you. Yes, with you!! I know you’re serious about making this happen.

Send me a quick email (ashley@ashleyolivine.com) and we’ll chat about the possibilities. You don’t even have to type a formal message. Just say “BRAIN MAGIC” and I’ll know what you mean. 😉 All you have to do is take a step… and then another. It only feels intimidating because it means something. That’s okay, and it’s a good thing.

This blog post is about feeling (when emotions feel too big). Here are more blog posts related to the word ‘feel’ (but not about feeling big emotions) from other sites:

Does it Matter How I Feel? by Sharla Hallett


Simple Is Better: When Feelings are Anything But Simple by Dianne Vielhuber


Leashes of Responsibility: Feeling My Dog’s Anxiety and My Own Need for Control by Lisa Crowder
