“Here we go again.” Life transitions, career shifts, geographical moves, internal transformations… there’s a sense of newness, a fresh start. Also, there can be fear, stress, and so many other things. Those “here we go again” words used to come with a groan of dread.
We all experience big life changes. Right now, I am looking ahead to physically moving across the U.S. with my family, starting over in a new location, and growing my career in a slightly (possibly more than slightly) different direction. All of this is amid a big internal growth transformation phase. It’s exciting and fun!
Let’s shift “here we go again” from fear, doubt, and stress to excitement, growth, and new possibilities.
Years ago, this level of change would have brought immense stress, possibly a level high enough to keep me frozen in place. I wasn’t equipped to handle the challenges and uncertainty. Back then, even small transitions were riddled with fear and doubt. Now it’s different. I say those same words, “Here we go again,” with celebration! Now I look forward to transitions as they are growth opportunities.
Enough about me. This is about you! Change doesn’t have to be a hardship for you, either. The thought of change and feelings of fear, doubt, and stress don’t have to hold you back from what you want. You can learn how to face uncertainty and transitions like a pro, opening new doors of possibility.
Here we go again, YAY!
I’ve got some quick and easy steps for you to begin reversing the downward spiral. You know what I’m talking about, right? The stress starts to pile up and your thoughts go to the worst-case scenarios. We’re going to reverse that spiral to your thoughts neutralize, and then begin to empower and motivate you.
Step 1: Awareness
I want those words to spark excitement and motivation in your soul. It’s possible, and much easier than you think. The first step is awareness. You’re already there. You know that the thought of change and transition brings up feelings, and the little voice in your head doesn’t exactly say the nicest things. Done, check that box and move on to the next step!
Step 2: Calming the Nervous System
Now it’s time to calm the nervous system. Take a quick break. Do the things that work for you to manage stress. Have a mini dance party, chat with a friend, take a walk, meditate, do yoga, or something else, take your pick. Relax your body and mind. Done, check that box and move on to the next step!
Step 3: The Facts
State the facts. Leave out all the emotions. What is happening behind the “here we go again” words? Perhaps I am planning to move across the country, considering new career options, or whatever is at the root of the change.
Steer clear from polarizing words that invoke big emotions. For example, instead of saying “I have to get a new job because I can’t stand working another day in that environment” try “I have a job and there are other open positions.” In this example, the facts are that you are employed and some employer somewhere is hiring. It’s simple. There are no emotional details about the same employer vs. a different employer, salary, qualifications, or anything else. You can start stating more detailed facts when you’re ready to do so without emotions.
Pro tip: If you start to feel stress, fear, or doubt increase, go back to Step 2 before returning to Step 3 and moving on to Step 4.
Done, check that box and move on to the next step!
Step 4: The Upward Spiral
Great, now that you’re more grounded and regulated, it’s time to shift your thinking. Ask yourself some questions to guide your brain in a new direction. You can think about your responses, journal them, or something else that works for you. Choose the questions that are best for you now, and you can come back to the others later if you would like.
Here are some questions to shift your thinking in transition:
- How could this make my life better?
- What’s the best that can happen?
- How can I learn and grow?
- Where do I want to go from here?
Think about all those wonderful possibilities! Now is the time to bring in some emotions. You have started to reverse the spiral, so you’re in a great place!
Done, check that box and move on to the next step!
Step 5: Here We Go Again (but different this time)
You’re ready to make it happen. Say “Here we go again” and notice the difference. It’s the same, you’re facing transition. However, this time you’re doing it with excitement and motivation.
Make a plan. Consider all the steps you need to take to get where you want to be. Then do it. Make it happen.
Are you looking for support as you shift “here we go again” from stress to excitement and motivation (or during any other phase)?
Make sure to join my email community here and I’ll send you my favorite tool to get your brain into the zone that allows for thoughts to shift! It’s the foundation that I use with every new client. This is priceless!
Do you feel like you want a little more support with emotions and your brain?
I’ve got your back.
Click here to learn about my Brain Magic course.
Looking for more support?
Click here to learn about how we can work together.
I’m super excited to work with you. Yes, with you!! I know you’re serious about making this happen.
Send me a quick email (ashley@ashleyolivine.com) and we’ll chat about the possibilities. You don’t even have to type a formal message. Just say “BRAIN MAGIC” and I’ll know what you mean. 😉 All you have to do is take a step… and then another. It only feels intimidating because it means something. That’s okay, and it’s a good thing.
This blog post is about the word ‘again’ (here we go again). Here are more blog posts related to the word ‘again’ (here we go again) from other sites:
Starting A New Year Again by Dianne Vielhuber
It’s Time to Begin Again by Darla Dwyer