Have you ever found yourself in a professional slump? Oh, have I ever been there! It was absolutely unbearable. I knew I wasn’t living up to my full potential and I definitely wasn’t working in a position that aligned with my long-term goals and life purpose. It was utterly draining mentally, physically exhausting, and even painful. Something had to change, but how was I going to do that? I had to learn how to begin a new career.

When is it time to make a change?

I was constantly looking forward to my next exciting thing outside of work. Going to the office was no longer on my list of things I wanted to do. Monday mornings came with a groan and I counted down the minutes until I was free to go to lunch or home for the day. Where had the excitement gone? That’s a big sign that it’s time to learn how to begin a new career.

Working hard isn’t the problem.

When things get rough with one career path it can seem discouraging to think about how to begin a new career because of all the challenges and the fear that it still won’t feel right. I definitely wasn’t shying away from working. Instead, I wasn’t in the right position for me. Work is something that lights me up when it’s aligned with my goals and purpose. This aligned and purposeful work can actually fuel passion and energy, filling a cup that needs to be filled. It can be fun, so much fun! Unaligned work, however, can be so heavy it’s crushing.

Now let’s talk about career and mom life.

Most jobs do not complement mom life. Traditional business and working hours do not allow for school pickup. The rigidity leaves little room for activities, homework help, and human connection on weekdays. What happens when there aren’t enough resources and support for moms to be able to thrive at work and as a parent? Everyone suffers, including society. If the workplace isn’t flexible enough, moms may leave, and they will miss out on an incredible employee. Moms should not have to choose between family, career, or suffering trying to make it work the way it works for people who are not mothers.

Note: I honor and respect that sometimes dads and people other than mothers find themselves in this situation. ‘Mom’ is the term I choose to use because it is an overwhelmingly common scenario for mothers, more so than other communities, but the concept is the same for anyone facing this challenge.

Thinking about how to begin a new career can be especially daunting for moms who have left the workforce to care for little ones. The break in employment can feel like glue keeping moms “stuck” in place. Add to that the common feelings of unworthiness, inability, and more that come with the unpaid and often unseen work of motherhood and it’s a recipe for low career self-esteem. Let’s change that narrative. Parenting hones the skills that workplace magicians wish they had. Constant training for all working conditions imaginable. Own that.

It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

Before we talk about how to begin a new career, I want to make it very clear that it IS possible to have a career that meshes well with the most important things in life. This may be parenting or something else, like optimal health, travel, or relationships. We all have priorities, and we should not have to sacrifice them for a fulfilling career. It is possible to thrive with a purposeful career and other important things in life.

I have found a way to shape my career to complement my family, and my family to complement my career. We thrive together, me, my family, and my career, because there is synergy. My kids teach me daily how to show up better in my career. Similarly, my career enables me to show up as the parent I want to be. You can have that, too. Let’s find a way for you to have that dream career and dream life.

How To Begin a New Career In 3 Steps

Learning how to begin a new career may feel completely overwhelming. It may even seem impossible. I promise it doesn’t have to be. Follow three simple steps and you will be well on your way!

How To Begin a New Career: Step 1

The first step is to open the door to possibility. Believe that you can do it. Know that there is a way for you to have a fulfilling career without sacrificing the most important things to you. Consider that the most important things may actually benefit from you having that new career.

How To Begin a New Career: Step 2

Explore what that dream career would be like. What do you really want to be doing? Where do your passions, expertise, and skills overlap? Who would benefit from what you have to offer? Really let your imaginative mind carry you on this one. It doesn’t need to seem realistic.

If you had told me as a young professional that one day I would earn a doctorate degree, I would have laughed in your face. Really. I was overcoming brain injury, working long hours in entry-level jobs (which is a generous way to put it because those positions had no advancement opportunities), and didn’t have the money to pay for education. I found a way. You can, too.

How To Begin a New Career: Step 3

Find a way to make it happen. If you really want something, you can come up with the time and money. Obstacles can be overcome. You are capable of more than you think. Identify some stepping stones between where you are and where you want to be. Find people and resources who can help. Start moving in that direction, even if it seems like a stretch. Actually, especially if it seems like a stretch.

 kinds of challenges, especially as life changes.

Are you looking to take those first steps toward a new career?

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Feeling like you want a little more support to begin a new career for yourself and the most important people in your life?

I’ve got your back.

Click here to learn about how we can work together.

This blog post is about beginning (how to begin a new career). Here are more blog posts related to the word ‘begin’ (but not about how to begin a new career) from other sites:

Learning to Begin Again by Amy Cobb


Begin Moving Toward Your Soul’s Lifework by Lisa Crowder


The Beginning of Stories from the Supper Table Series by Jessica Haberman 
