Life hits hard sometimes. You know what I’m talking about. It’s those times when you’re doing all the things, working so hard, and still get knocked on your ass. That’s why it’s important to remember the power of the pause.

Visualize a little symbolism with me for a minute. You’re riding your bike on a smooth, freshly-paved, moderately hilly path through nature. There’s a crisp, slightly misty breeze coming from the ocean on your left. The sun is shining down and it’s the perfect temperature. You have a well-portioned, balanced, and healthy breakfast. Sure there are ups and downs, but that’s what keeps it interesting and your blood flowing, right? This is something you’ve been carving out time to do every single day so you know you’re strong enough for the journey. You know exactly where you’re headed. It’s all mapped out.

Then…. WHAM!

You get hit by a massive truck. What that &%*$ happened?! This path is for pedestrians and bikers only, no motors, and definitely no massive trucks! Sometimes that’s life. You do everything “right” and things are going well, and then you get hit with something that never should have even close to happened. Then more stuff happens, you know, because of that domino effect.

So what now?

Pause. Remember the power of the pause.

What’s the power of the pause, you ask? Oh, let me explain!

Perhaps you start to feel your tensions rise throughout the day. Or, maybe you suddenly realize your blood is boiling. There may be stress, overwhelm, frustration, fear, resentment, exhaustion, something else, or a combination. Pause. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath through your nose. Hold it for a second before exhaling through your mouth.

Now, ask yourself some questions.

  1. Am I in need of immediate help?
    • If so, who can I go to for help? (ex. call 911 or reach out to a trusted friend)
  2. Can I take the next steps on my own?
    • If not, see above.
    • If so, proceed.
  3. What areas of this situation are out of my control?
    • Accept it. (Disclaimer: this may take time. Go easy on yourself.)
  4. What areas of this situation are within my control?
  5. How can I show myself the same compassion and understanding I would show the people I care about most?
  6. What can I do with what I have to make things better?
  7. Who may be able to help me along the way?

Get curious! When you open your brain to possibilities, possibilities appear. From there, it’s possible to positively influence the situation. No, we can’t choose everything or control everything. However, we can choose some things. Additionally, we tend to have far more power than we initially think.

The pause has magical powers to create a space where perspective is possible.

It’s easy to get stuck in the mud when the journey is rough, especially when it’s unexpectedly rough. That’s okay. You’re strong enough to get through it. Even more, you’re strong enough to make things better. You are capable way, way beyond your current belief.

Thoughts and beliefs, moods and feelings can change enormously after a little pause and reflection. Perspectives shift when we are able to think calmly, on a higher level. That’s where the real growth happens. The Pause creates an opportunity for it all.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you need to do it alone.

Even though our society is more connected than ever through technology, sometimes it feels as though we are more disconnected than ever. There’s a void of real, meaningful connection. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Humans need one another to truly thrive. Consider your current challenges. Do you ever feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders? Are there people around you to help carry that weight? Together, are you a true team?

If a thriving community of support came to mind when reading those words, hold them tight. It’s a rare gift. If not, how could you possibly help foster more community in your life?

It goes back to the power of the pause.

When we’re go, go, go all the time it’s hard to have meaningful connections. Building and maintain relationships turns into a challenge. It’s almost as if modern society doesn’t have room for deep bonds and thriving communities.

Why not? Perhaps more importantly, what can we do about it?

The power of the pause works in multiple ways here.

First, consider how most people communicate and show up in the world when there are no pauses.

How do we respond when we’re busy and stressed? Ahem, you know what I’m talking about, right? We’ve all experienced this in one way or another. Now, what would things be like if everyone paused to calm, reflect, and plan before responding?

Second, pausing, or at least slowing down a bit, helps to leave room for more of the good stuff.

Pause for the things most important to you. Spend time with someone special in your life. Check in on that person you’re thinking about who you haven’t talked to in ages. Strike up a conversation with a stranger in the park. Maybe they won’t be a stranger much longer.

Third, pause to build a stronger relationship with yourself.

While it may seem silly, it’s worth it. When you’re able to deeply know yourself, you will be able to show up differently in the world. That person you really want to be will emerge and shine.

The power of the pause – it can make it all happen.

Think about that life you want. More importantly, consider the person you want to be. The pause has the power to help you along the way. Try it and see what happens!

Looking for more than a pause? Perhaps a bit of support on your journey? You don’t have to do it all alone. I’ve got your back.

Click here to learn about how we can work together.

This blog post is about a pause (the power of the pause). Here are more blog posts related to the word ‘pause’ (but not the power of the pause) from other sites:

Pause: How to Take an Adult Time Out by Amy Cobb

Pause in His Presence by Sharla Hallett

Pause by Regina Marcazzo-Skarka

When Hitting Pause is What We Need by Dianne Vielhuber

The Pause that Creates by MelAnn